Connect With Horses

There is something about the outside of a horse that is good for the inside of a man

-Winston Churchill

Welcome to
Spirit Winds Ranch

What We Are About

We’re a non-riding facility that focuses on connecting with horses from the ground using Equine Assisted Learning as our foundation. Our mission here is to offer the opportunity to explore horse-powered connections to at risk kids, which in turn helps to encourage individual and team growth. Our horses have come from all over to retire here and connect with kids on different levels. Please Check out our About Us and Programs page for more information.

Horse Connection

Learn to experience a true horse connection that will nurture your spirit and soul.

Land Connection

Relish in being outside the busy city and being one with the land.

Self Connection

Rekindle your connection with yourself, and revitalize who you want to be.


– Laurel is genuine and inspiring. She truly believes in helping and loving. Spirit Winds Ranch will change you, and you will believe!!!

S. Mulroy

– What a wonderful experience. Than you for giving us the opportunity to see your awesome program.

L. Harrison

– Thank you for educating us on EAL. This is the most important part of all of our lives.
Thank you!

C. Gesh

– Thank you so much for the experience here at your ranch and giving us an amazing opportunity to work with the horses. We will always remember it!

The Crazy Gang from Toronto

– Spirit Winds Ranch is the most positive, friendly atmosphere. Laurel is a terrific host and all around nice person. All the clinicians that come here are so much fun and wonderful with their horsemanship. I love coming here. I always make new friends and create new memories.

K. Zareteki

– Having been away from horses for a few years, this was the best re-introduction I could of dreamed of. A very relaxed and welcoming atmosphere. Thank you to everyone!

D. Mercer

– My experience with the students when we would debrief after Equine Learning, was that they (the kids) were all more talkative and they seemed to have an increased level of pride and accomplishment. It was a wonderful opportunity for the students involved and I know it will be one of those “school days” experiences that they will think of as a turning point for them.

C. Heschel-Ball, Teacher